Mar 18, 2020

C Program 17

17. Store and read data from a text file.


# include <stdio.h>

# include <string.h>


int main( )


    FILE *fp ;

    char data[100];


    printf( "Opening the file test.txt in write mode\n" ) ;

    fp = fopen("test.txt", "w") ;

    if(fp == NULL )


       printf( "\nCould not open file test.txt" ) ;

       return 1;


    printf( "\nEnter some text from keyboard to write in the file test.txt\n" ) ;

    while (strlen(gets(data))>0)


                             /* writing in the file*/

                             fputs(data, fp) ;

                             fputs("\n", fp) ;


    /* closing the file*/

    printf("\nClosing the file test.txt") ;

    fclose(fp) ;


   printf( "\nOpening the file test.c in read mode" ) ;

                              fp = fopen( "test.txt", "r" ) ;

                              if ( fp == NULL )


                                       printf( "\nCould not open file test.txt" ) ;

                                       return 1;


                              printf( "\nReading the file test.txt\n" ) ;

                              while( fgets ( data, 100, fp ) != NULL )

                              printf( "%s" , data ) ;

                              printf("\nClosing the file test.txt\n") ;

                              fclose(fp) ;

                              return 0;


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